Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What am I in search of?

Sometimes as I'm sitting in traffic I dream off and get these ideas of what in my life I need or want to change.  Some things are realistic and some things are just so ridiculous.  I imagine my life with or with out certain people, career changes, location, and even events.  Though it's perfectly healthy to day dream- I feel as though sometimes my mind gets so caught up in what I want because of how amazing it was in my dreams!  Things that are out of my control begin to effect me because I become obsessed with making it a reality.  Relationships that are unhealthy are never just left and ended- I imagine things differently and hold onto those visions as if one day they will become as I imagined.  Call me a dreamer, or just crazy. As a child our parents read us these fairytales which are the reason we dream and play "make believe."  So as an adult, why can't we still play make believe?
The answer to that is simple.  We will never find what we are looking for if all we do is pretend.


  1. Your dreams are the key to your success. The more clear my wants and desires are and the more vivid I dream about them, the faster they come true.

    One rule I made for myself that seemed to be a huge factor in achieving my dreams is Make THINGS your Goals not PEOPLE. For people have a will and can say NO to you. Being a drummer, traveling the world, being a millionaire, falling in love, are all THINGS that can't say no. As long as you want, and work towards them you WILL have them! @redfoo

  2. Foo You Are Awesome
